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Úr Heimaslóð, Sögusetri Vestmannaeyja
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Bergur Elías Ágústsson
Bergur Elías Ágústsson
Mayor of Westmann Island
Mayor of Westmann Island

Útgáfa síðunnar 21. júlí 2005 kl. 14:27

Welcome to "Heimaslóð". Here you can find some fun and intresting facts about the Westman Islands and its culture and history.

A word from the mayor

The Westman Islands are a group of fifteen islands, rock pillars and skerries, large and small; a microcosm of humans, birds and creatures of the sea. We, who spend all or part of our lives in such close proximity to such splendours of nature and simultenously be able to raise our children in safety and peace, consider it a privilege.

To many the Westman Islands are unique; rising from the North-Atlantic ocean, far off the beaten track, a destination only to those who specifically set out to go there.

This, perhaps dated and fanciful remoteness, lends the islands an aura of magic and adventure, particularly to those living far away. Let me assure you, however, that the Westman Islands are not that remote; the passage here is smoother and easier than you might think. And once here, what you will find waiting for you is magnificent rugged nature, inhabited by human and non-human teeming life that leaves its mark on any visitor; many of whom return again and again. We are lucky enough to have and have had among us valued friends that originally came for a few months´ fishing season that inadvertently lasted a lifetime.

The history of our islands is in many ways exceptional. For decades they were one of Iceland´s largest and busiest fishery centres contributing a proportionally immense share of the nation´s export revenue. As the fishing industry has become increasingly technologically advanced and entered the fierce competition of the international market place this has to some extent changed. The fishing industry is still, however, of great importance to the Westman Islands and will continue to be, for the foreseeable future, one of the main pillars of the community´s economic life.

The new millenium is a juncture in more ways than one for the Westman Islands. We must seek new and different “fishing grounds”, new industries to ensure diversity of employment. The islands offer considerable opportunities for those seeking to build new enterprises - a hard-working population, short distances and last but not least a safe and friendly environment for young families and growing children.

The islands welcome a great number of visitors every year, mainly during summer. The tourist industry is a growing and flourishing one, well able and willing to accommodate more of both: people and innovations. The primary aim of this brochure is to garner information about the various opportunities the Westman Islands offer. I sincerely hope that you, its reader, find in it something to kindle an interest in visiting us to share the privilege of our islands´ generous and magnificent nature.

You are very welcome.

Bergur Elías Ágústsson

Mayor of Westmann Island