„Culture and Art“: Munur á milli breytinga

Úr Heimaslóð, Sögusetri Vestmannaeyja
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(1 millibreyting ekki sýnd frá sama notandanum)
Lína 1: Lína 1:
[[Mynd:Tjodhatid_DSCF0401.jpg|thumb|300px|The Festival in Herjólfsdalur has been held every year since 1874]]
[[Mynd:Tjodhatid_DSCF0401.jpg|thumb|300px|The Festival in Herjólfsdalur has been held every year since 1874]]
The Westman Islands´ cultural life still reflects to a
The cultural life in Vestmannaeyjar still reflects to a considerable extent their past geographical isolation, the need for self-sufficiency in most things through the centuries. There simply was no place else to go for most things, including social life and enjoyment, culture and art. This is probably best exemplified by Vestmannaeyjar “national” festival. In the year 1874 when
considerable extent their past geographical isolation, the
Icelanders thronged to Þingvellir to celebrate the country´s constitution, bad weather forced the islanders to stay home. As ever unwilling to miss a good party, they simply held their own “national” festival in Herjólfsdalur.
need for self-sufficiency in most things through the
This was such a resounding success that it is still being held every year; now turning things around and attracting thousands of mainland visitors, having become the most popular outdoor festival in the country.
centuries. There simply was no place else to go for most
things, including social life and enjoyment, culture and
art. This is probably best exemplified by the Westman
Islands “national” festival. In the year 1874 when
Icelanders thronged to Þingvellir to celebrate the country´s
constitution, bad weather forced the islanders to stay
home. As ever unwilling to miss a good party, they
simply held their own “national” festival in Herjólfsdalur.
This was such a resounding success that it is still being
held every year; now turning things around and attracting
thousands of mainland visitors, having become the most
popular outdoor festival in the country.

Music is very much a part of the islands´ cultural
Music is very much a part of the islands´ cultural inheritance, the ”island songs” being an inseperable part of every inhabitant´s upbringing. In preschool, if not before, children learn songs and lyrics connected to the islands, both old folksongs and songs by local musicians :Oddgeir Kristjánsson, Ási í Bæ and Árni úr Eyjum, to name but three. They are frequently sung on all sorts of social occasions, the famous hillside singalong, anindispensable part of the national festival, being a good example. On this as on other occasions, the locals do not need printed hand-outs, they know both songs and lyrics by heart. A music school thrives in the islands, a venerable, but still young brass band, choirs, diverse singing groups, and bands of all descriptions, mostly
inheritance, the”island songs” being an inseperable part
manned by the younger generation. Not many small Icelandic communities can boast of a richer musical heritage than Vestmannaeyjar.
of every inhabitant´s upbringing. In preschool, if not
before, children learn songs and lyrics connected to the
islands, both old folksongs and songs by local musicians :Oddgeir Kristjánsson, Ási í Bæ and Árni úr Eyjum, to name but three. They are frequently sung on all sorts of social occasions, the famous hillside singalong, an
indispensable part of the national festival, being a good
example. On this as on other occasions, the locals do
not need printed hand-outs, they know both songs and
lyrics by heart. A music school thrives in the islands, a
venerable, but still young brass band, choirs, diverse
singing groups, and bands of all descriptions, mostly
manned by the younger generation. Not many small Icelandic communities can boast of a richer musical heretage than the Westman Islands.

The need for self sufficiency also made its mark on the
The need for self sufficiency also made its mark on the dramatic arts. An ambitious local amateur theatre company stages 2-3 plays a year, besides other events. During the summer a street theatre enlivens the town. This group is operated by the theatre company in collaboration with the town´s “Vinnuskóli” (employing teenagers during the summer holiday).
dramatic arts. An ambitious local amateur theatre
company stages 2-3 plays a year, besides other events.
During the summer a street theatre enlivens the town.
This group is operated by the theatre company in
collaboration with the town´s “Vinnuskóli” (employing
teenagers during the summer holiday).

There are two primary schools in the islands, three preschools,
There are two primary schools in the islands, three preschools, an art school, and a comprehensive school that also offers industrial/vocational education. On Heimaey the University of Iceland operates a research centre and the Marine Research Institute a branch laboratory.
an art school, and a comprehensive school that
also offers industrial/vocational education. On Heimaey
the University of Iceland operates a research centre and
the Marine Research Institute a branch laboratory.

A visitor once remarked that by bringing about the
A visitor once remarked that by bringing about the magnificent landscape, the Creator had made human art forms superfluous. Nevertheless, island people have
magnificent landscape, the Creator had made human
not let that hinder them in placing works of art around and outside town, works by well-known Icelandic sculptors like Ásmundur Sveinsson and Einar Jónsson,
art forms superfluous. Nevertheless, island people have
not let that hinder them in placing works of art around
and outside town, works by well-known Icelandic
sculptors like Ásmundur Sveinsson and Einar Jónsson,
as well as artists less well known.  
as well as artists less well known.  

In 1999 the project “Lava and man” was set afoot, a collaboration of 23
In 1999 the project “Lava and man” was set afoot, a collaboration of 23 Nordic artists creating artworks from lava and island rocks. The island population has considerable interest in the fine arts and a number of exhibitions are held
Nordic artists creating artworks from lava and island
every year by locals and visitors from the mainland alike. The Natural History Museum is the best known of the island museums, the best of its kind in the country with a fine collection of live fish and other sea creatures of the sea as well as stuffed birds and a unique collection of Icelandic minerals.
rocks. The island population has considerable interest
in the fine arts and a number of exhibitions are held
every year by locals and visitors from the mainland alike.
The Natural History Museum is the best known of the
island museums, the best of its kind in the country with
a fine collection of live fish and other sea creatures of
the sea as well as stuffed birds and a unique collection
of Icelandic minerals.

Safnahúsið (the House of Collections) contains a large and well-stocked library,
Safnahúsið (the House of Collections) contains a large and well-stocked library,
the municipal archives, a photographic musem, an art
the municipal archives, a photographic musem, an art museum, a large collection of the works of the painter Jóhannes Kjarval, and the Folk Museum that has by
museum, a large collection of the works of the painter
now become especially “user friendly” and interesting. Close by is Landlyst, the second oldest building in the islands, now rebuilt, housing a medical museum.
Jóhannes Kjarval, and the Folk Museum that has by
now become especially “user friendly” and interesting.
Close by is Landlyst, the second oldest building in the
islands, now rebuilt, housing a medical museum.

Núverandi breyting frá og með 16. júlí 2007 kl. 09:22

The Festival in Herjólfsdalur has been held every year since 1874

The cultural life in Vestmannaeyjar still reflects to a considerable extent their past geographical isolation, the need for self-sufficiency in most things through the centuries. There simply was no place else to go for most things, including social life and enjoyment, culture and art. This is probably best exemplified by Vestmannaeyjar “national” festival. In the year 1874 when Icelanders thronged to Þingvellir to celebrate the country´s constitution, bad weather forced the islanders to stay home. As ever unwilling to miss a good party, they simply held their own “national” festival in Herjólfsdalur. This was such a resounding success that it is still being held every year; now turning things around and attracting thousands of mainland visitors, having become the most popular outdoor festival in the country.

Music is very much a part of the islands´ cultural inheritance, the ”island songs” being an inseperable part of every inhabitant´s upbringing. In preschool, if not before, children learn songs and lyrics connected to the islands, both old folksongs and songs by local musicians :Oddgeir Kristjánsson, Ási í Bæ and Árni úr Eyjum, to name but three. They are frequently sung on all sorts of social occasions, the famous hillside singalong, anindispensable part of the national festival, being a good example. On this as on other occasions, the locals do not need printed hand-outs, they know both songs and lyrics by heart. A music school thrives in the islands, a venerable, but still young brass band, choirs, diverse singing groups, and bands of all descriptions, mostly manned by the younger generation. Not many small Icelandic communities can boast of a richer musical heritage than Vestmannaeyjar.

The need for self sufficiency also made its mark on the dramatic arts. An ambitious local amateur theatre company stages 2-3 plays a year, besides other events. During the summer a street theatre enlivens the town. This group is operated by the theatre company in collaboration with the town´s “Vinnuskóli” (employing teenagers during the summer holiday).

There are two primary schools in the islands, three preschools, an art school, and a comprehensive school that also offers industrial/vocational education. On Heimaey the University of Iceland operates a research centre and the Marine Research Institute a branch laboratory.

A visitor once remarked that by bringing about the magnificent landscape, the Creator had made human art forms superfluous. Nevertheless, island people have not let that hinder them in placing works of art around and outside town, works by well-known Icelandic sculptors like Ásmundur Sveinsson and Einar Jónsson, as well as artists less well known.

In 1999 the project “Lava and man” was set afoot, a collaboration of 23 Nordic artists creating artworks from lava and island rocks. The island population has considerable interest in the fine arts and a number of exhibitions are held every year by locals and visitors from the mainland alike. The Natural History Museum is the best known of the island museums, the best of its kind in the country with a fine collection of live fish and other sea creatures of the sea as well as stuffed birds and a unique collection of Icelandic minerals.

Safnahúsið (the House of Collections) contains a large and well-stocked library, the municipal archives, a photographic musem, an art museum, a large collection of the works of the painter Jóhannes Kjarval, and the Folk Museum that has by now become especially “user friendly” and interesting. Close by is Landlyst, the second oldest building in the islands, now rebuilt, housing a medical museum.